Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

Latest Episodes

VZ 371: The Upcycled Art World of Cheery Bird Vintage
November 15, 2020

In this episode of our podcast, we talk about “upcycling”. We discuss what it is, how it’s different from recycling, and talk about our business, Cheery Bird Vintage, and how we use upcycling as a BIG

8 Energy-Boosting Wellness Shots (VZ 370)
November 01, 2020

While I’ve always been a big fan of making juices and smoothies I’ve never tried making my own wellness shots, so I decided to do some experimenting! Not familiar with wellness shots?  No problem! You can listen to our discussion here… …or read on for ...

VZ 370: 8 Energy-Boosting Wellness Shots
November 01, 2020

While I've always been a big fan of juices and smoothies, wellness shots aren't something I've made at home so, I decided to do some experimenting! Not familiar with wellness shots?  No problem! In th

Oncology Dietitian Alison Tierney on Battling Chronic Illness (VZ 369)
October 18, 2020

  In this episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast we are pleased to welcome Alison Tierney. Alison is an outpatient oncology dietitian working with patients undergoing cancer treatment to ensure they receive adequate nutrition and symptom relief.

VZ 369: Oncology Dietitian Alison Tierney on Battling Chronic Illness
October 18, 2020

In this episode of the VZ podcast, we are pleased to welcome Alison Tierney. Alison is an outpatient oncology dietitian working with patients during cancer treatments to ensure adequate nutrition and

Let’s Ask Marion: An Interview with Marion Nestle (VZ 368)
October 04, 2020

In this episode of The Vegetarian Zen podcast we welcome Marion Nestle, PhD. to discuss her book, Let’s Ask Marion. You can listen to our interview here… or read on for a quick summary of what we discuss. Who is Marion Nestle?

VZ 368: Let's Ask Marion: An Interview with Marion Nestle
October 04, 2020

Marion is a Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, Emerita at New York University.  Her passionate and clarifying insights into food politics challenge people to con

The Secrets of Successful Batch Cooking With Stephanie Dreyer (VZ 367)
September 20, 2020

Batch cooking can be challenging to get started, and even harder to stick with. Larissa and I have had an on-again-off-again relationship with batch cooking. When we’re “on,” we can definitely tell a positive difference in how we stick to our goals of ...

VZ 367: The Secrets of Successful Batch Cooking With Stephanie Dreyer
September 18, 2020

Batch cooking can help you save time, money, and stay on track with your health goals. Stephanie Dreyer shares her TOP tips for batch cooking.

7 of the Best Reef-Safe, Vegan, and Cruelty-Free Sunscreens in 2020 (VZ 366)
September 06, 2020

Even just a few years ago, finding a good cruelty-free sunscreen wasn’t that easy.  Luckily, more companies these days are launching sun protection products that are not only good for us but also good for the planet and for our animal friends.