Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 346: How to Get Enough Potassium

February 02, 2020

In last week’s episode of our podcast, we talked about the top tools we’re using to get healthier this year. One of those tools is an app called My Fitness Pal which we use to log our daily food intake. Using this app, we’ve gained some insight into our macronutrients and where we needed to focus in order to eat a more balanced diet. One of the macronutrients we had never given much thought to is potassium. What we found is that we consistently fall short in hitting our recommended daily intake in this area.  After experiencing some muscle cramping recently, it occurred to me that this may be related to my potassium deficiency.  In this episode, we’re going to talk about what potassium is and how to ensure you’re getting enough.