Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

Crafting Seitan with Skye Michael Conroy (aka The Gentle Chef) (VZ 382)

April 18, 2021

In this episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast we welcome Skye Michael Conroy, aka The Gentle Chef.
Skye is a vegan chef and author of several vegan cookbooks including his latest, Crafting Seitan: Creating Homemade Plant-based Meats.
Skye talks to us about his journey to becoming vegan and shares how he became a vegan chef. We’ll also talk about his book, Crafting Seitan, which can help you break away from commercial mock meat products and learn to make your own delicious versions, complete with all the trimmings!
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Who is Skye Michael Conroy?
Skye Michael Conroy began his journey to becoming a vegan chef as a hobby. He soon began studying the culinary arts in-depth and in 2014 received the plant-based professional certificate of completion from Rouxbe Cooking School taught by chef Chad Sarno. For more information about Skye, please visit
More Books By Skye
Here are a few more books by Skye Michael Conroy you may be interested in:
All The Places to Find The Gentle Chef

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A Special Thanks To:
Thanks for listening!
Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa
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