Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

Overcoming Obstacles to Going Vegan With Certified Life Coach Michele Olender (VZ 380)

March 21, 2021

Going Vegan Can Have Its Challenges
With any challenges, having the right people in your support system can help make you successful.
In this episode of The Vegetarian Zen podcast we talk to Certified Life Coach Michele Olender about some common challenges people face when going vegan — and how they can tackle those challenges head-on!
Disclaimer: Information on this site is presented for educational purposes only. Always speak to your doctor before beginning any new diets or supplements. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Who is Michele Olender?
Michele Olender is a Certified Life Coach and podcaster committed to helping people limit or eliminate their consumption of animal products and build a vegan / vegetarian / whole food plant-based practice. 
Through her coaching business and podcast, Vedge Your Best, Michele presents tools and ideas that encourage you to pick a big goal and start right where you are now with what you’ve got. Whether it’s trying out a meatless Monday or taking on Veganuary, Michele is your coach! 
Michele earned a BA in Russian at Smith College and an MA in the History of Art from the University of Massachusetts, and has successfully completed the Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate Program through Cornell University.
Michele’s “impossible goal” is to help encourage a million people to move toward veganism by coaching individuals one-on-one and partnering with vegetarian and sustainable startups, side gigs, communities, and thought leaders.
All The Places to Find Michele

* Website
* On Facebook
* On Instagram

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A Special Thanks To Our Sponsors:
Thanks for listening!
Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa