Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

8 Energy-Boosting Wellness Shots (VZ 370)

November 01, 2020

While I’ve always been a big fan of making juices and smoothies I’ve never tried making my own wellness shots, so I decided to do some experimenting!
Not familiar with wellness shots?  No problem!
You can listen to our discussion here…
…or read on for a quick summary of what we discuss.
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Disclaimer: Information on this site is presented for educational purposes only. Always speak to your doctor before beginning any new diets or supplements. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
What Are Wellness Shots?
Wellness shots are essentially small servings of cold-pressed juices of fruits and vegetables. These shots are meant to provide your body with a quick burst of nutrients. Most wellness shots come in 2-3 oz bottles (or glasses).
Like anything else these days you can buy them, but they can be pricey. I’ve tried some from Splendid Spoon and they were really good, so if you want to have some ready-to-go and don’t mind paying for that convenience, you should definitely check them out.
If you’d like to make your own, you’re in luck, because there are plenty of great recipes you can make at home. What I really like about making them at home is that I can customize them to my own taste. Also, the freshness factor is unbeatable! 
Are Wellness Shots Good for You?
Yes, wellness shots are good for you! The benefits of wellness shots are very similar to the benefits you receive from drinking juices and smoothies. They are concentrated shots of nutrients that are absorbed much more quickly than when you eat the ingredients in their whole forms.
While they aren’t cure-alls, they certainly can help when added to a healthy diet and exercise regime.
Back in episode 321 of the podcast we talked to Dr. Brooke Goldner about how she cured her own lupus through a whole food plant-based diet which included lots of juicing and green smoothies.
I get a boost of energy when I take a wellness shot, which keeps me from reaching for a caffeinated or sugary drink. Feeling more alert and energized also helps prevent my tendency to snack. 

Are There Any Risks with Taking Wellness Shots?
As with anything, moderation is really important. You really want to pay attention to your body, particularly if you’re trying any ingredients that are new to you. Obviously, if you have allergies you should avoid certain ingredients that may trigger those allergies (for example, you should avoid wheatgrass if you are gluten-intolerant).
Additionally, certain ingredients such as apple cider vinegar and turmeric may cause stomach upset and nausea if you’re sensitive.
Pro Tip: Be sure to try out any new recipes during a time when you’ll be at home for a while just in case your body doesn’t agree with your drink.
Do I Need a Juicer to Make My Own?
No! By definition, wellness shots are condensed cold-pressed juices, but don’t let the fact that you don’t own a juicer keep you from trying some recipes in a blender. There are definitely some differences in what nutritional value you get from juicing and blending that you can learn about more extensively in