Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

Oncology Dietitian Alison Tierney on Battling Chronic Illness (VZ 369)

October 18, 2020

In this episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast we are pleased to welcome Alison Tierney. Alison is an outpatient oncology dietitian working with patients undergoing cancer treatment to ensure they receive adequate nutrition and symptom relief.
This episode was one that was very personal since Larissa battles lupus, an autoimmune disease. While her symptoms have subsided quite a bit since switching to a predominantly plant-based lifestyle in 2013, she is always looking for sound, scientifically-backed information to help her manage the disease.
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Who is Alison Tierney?

Alison Tierney is a registered dietitian board-certified in oncology nutrition. She started Wholesome in 2015. After developing an oncology nutrition program at a local academic cancer center, Alison pursued Wholesome exclusively as her business and client base continued to grow. Her passion for nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is obvious in her work, her care for her clients, and her desire to always keep learning. Although Alison is board-certified in oncology nutrition, she is multi-passionate in nutrition and her expertise goes beyond cancer and involves helping others with the management of chronic diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and autoimmune diseases.
Alison seeks to educate and empower everyone about the benefits of a wholesome, plant-focused diet and it’s a role in fighting and preventing chronic diseases.
What is Oncology Nutrition?
Oncology nutrition is a field that helps patients manage the symptoms and side effects of cancer through a healthy diet.
What is An Oncology Dietitian?
An Oncology Dietitian specializes in working with cancer patients to create a proper nutrition plan to help manage their illness.

In Our Interview with Alison, We Discuss…

* Alison’s journey to oncology nutrition
* How a plant-based diet helped her with her own health issues
* How a plant-based diet helped a family member manage lupus
* How Alison coaches her own clients battling chronic illness
* The 5 to 1 Fiber Rule


Where You Can Find Alison

* Wholesome LLC (her website)
* YouTube
* Pinterest
* Instagram

Looking for more information about managing chronic illness through your diet? Check out our interview with Dr. Brooke Goldner (Goodbye Autoimmune Disease)
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