Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

10 Vegetarian & Vegan Pantry Staples (VZ 364)

August 09, 2020

When we wanted to create a list of vegetarian and vegan pantry staples recently, we knew just the group to ask!
If you’ve listened to our podcast or followed us for any length of time, you’ve probably heard us talk about our amazing friends in our closed Facebook Group, The Peas and Carrots Society. They’re friendly and helpful, and collectively possess a WEALTH of knowledge.
You can listen to us discuss their pantry essentials recommendations here…
…or read on for a quick summary of what we discuss.
10 Plant-Based Pantry Essentials



We’ll start with legumes because they are SUPER healthy, and especially good for plant-based folks like us because they pack a lot of protein without all of the saturated fat that comes from meat.
They’re also packed with fiber which, of course, is also really good for you.
Some foods that fall into the legume category are:

Beans (check out episode VZ 17: All About Beans)
Soybeans (includes tofu)
Lentils (check out our article What Do I do with Lentils?)

The Peas and Carrots say:
Canned beans, especially chickpeas. I like to cook chickpeas once a week but so easy to have a can or two on hand to fill out a salad or mash up with celery pickles and onions for a “tuna” sandwich. Red Lentils cook up so fast and are delicious especially with Indian seasonings. 



Pasta is such a versatile ingredient…and with so many types available these days, the possibilities for pasta-based meals are practically endless. Toss cooked pasta into a cold salad for a filling lunch or serve it hot with vegan sauce for a satisfying dinner. 
Our favorites include rice noodles, soba noodles, and plain ol’ spaghetti.
While most pasta is vegan, some types (like egg noodles) are not, so check the label before you buy.


We always have a good variety of grains in our pantry.  One we love to keep around is quinoa.
Back in episode 342, we talked about basic quinoa cooking techniques and shared some recipes that feature quinoa. Click the link to check it out in case you missed it! 
We also always have oats and rice handy. I love to have steel-cut oats for breakfast, and sometimes add blackstrap molasses for an added health benefit. Here’s our recipe for Blackstrap Molasses Oatmeal. 

The Peas and Carrots recommend keeping a box of instant oatmeal in your vegan pantry for a quick healthy snack. Back in my corporate days, when I was on the go running from meeting to meeting, my go-to instant oatmeal was