Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

The Ultimate Intentional Living Road Map with Jen Rao (VZ 362)

July 12, 2020

What Does “Intentional Living” Mean?
Do you ever have days when you feel like a pinball bouncing around, unfocused? I know I can feel like that sometimes. That’s where understanding what it means to “live intentionally” can really help you create the focus you need. 
In this episode of the podcast we welcome Jen Rao of Clear Your Life.

Clear Your Life was founded on the belief that a simplified, beautiful living space will not only reduce stress but will allow you to create better relationships, work better, and feel more fulfilled.

Jen recently wrote an article titled, “The Ultimate Intentional Living Road Map“. In it, she discusses how we can design our lives to be more in line with our values.
Whether it’s making the decision to go plant-based or starting a business, Jen will walk us through how to set our intentions and create a workable plan for ourselves.
Check out our interview with Jen here:
Who is Jen Rao?

Jen is a professional organizer who specializes in decluttering (and its magical benefits!). She helps people clear their mind, home, and spirit by simplifying their lives.
In 2017, she downsized her life and moved into a 112-square foot tiny home on wheels with her husband and cat. After traveling full-time for two years, they’ve now settled in Squamish BC.
Jen continues to share her fresh, approachable take on simple living, organizing, and living an intentional life.
You can find her work at Clear Your Life and on Instagram.
Be sure to check out her free workbook, the Clear Your Life Method. 
Thanks for listening!
Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa
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