Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

Traveling and Supporting Local Businesses with Bree and Ben (VZ 358)

May 17, 2020

Travel is very limited these days, but there are certainly still opportunities for us to support our local businesses.
In this episode of the podcast, we welcome Benjamin Hagerty and Brianne Nemiroff of the blog It’s Bree and Ben; Live and Travel Kindly.
Ben and Bree discuss their travels, which focus on learning about plant-based cuisine on the road, what it means to be a kind traveler, and how to support local businesses. The latter is especially important now, as we deal with a global pandemic. 
Who Are Ben and Bree?

Ben and Bree became a couple in 2009 and have always been passionate travelers.
After getting married In 2017 they took a long trip to explore more of the US and Canada. It was during this time they decided that they wanted to enjoy a travel lifestyle full-time! 
They began their trip in April 2017 by journeying into Canada, by way of the West Coast, and drove eastward from Vancouver, British Columbia, to Halifax, Nova Scotia.
After spending six months exploring eight Canadian provinces, they ventured southward to visit New England and other cities on the East Coast to experience the fall foliage before returning home for the holidays. In Spring 2018, Bree and Ben drove eastward once again to explore more of the United States, focusing on the Southwest and the Midwest for another five months. 
During their travels, they enjoy checking out the local vegan scene and supporting small businesses along the way.
Be sure to follow Ben and Bree on their website, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.
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A Special Thanks To Our Sponsors:

* The Golden Apple Roundtable (our Patrons) on Patreon!
* Cheery Bird Vintage

Further Reading:

* 6 Ways You Can Be Kind During the Coronavirus Epidemic
* Why You Should Shop Small and the Times It’s OK to Shop Big

Also Mentioned:

* Stage It

Thanks for listening!
Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa