Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

7 Things You Should Know About a Plant-Based Diet and Diabetes (VZ 357)

May 03, 2020

A plant-based diet can be a POWERFUL tool to help you manage your diabetes. But did you know that it can even help you reverse it? In this episode of our podcast, we share 7 things you need to know about a plant-based diet and diabetes.
Disclaimer: We aren’t medical professionals or licensed nutritionists. The information we share here is intended for you to use when consulting a professional. 
A Plant-based Diet and Diabetes
A few weeks ago, Larissa had a bit of a scare with her blood sugar levels shooting up. Because she can’t take any medicines such as Metformin to help her control her diabetes (she’s allergic), she needs to ensure she’s eating right and moving. This recent scare prompted us to go back and review some of the basics of controlling diabetes. 
If you have diabetes (or someone you love does), here are 7 things you need to know.

Don’t Hide Your Head in The Sand. Know Your Numbers!

After some persistent nagging, Larissa finally decided to stop avoiding it and check her blood sugar levels. Needless to say, it wasn’t good. Her blood sugar had risen higher than it had ever been.
Denying the truth will only make things worse! The sooner and more consistently you track your blood sugar levels, the sooner you can take control of the situation.
You can learn more about the importance of monitoring your numbers from the CDC website.


Simply Avoiding Meat Isn’t a “Cure-All”

Just avoiding meat isn’t a complete fix for controlling or reversing diabetes but it is important. Why? Animal products contain a lot of saturated fat. Saturated fat causes heart disease and insulin resistance. 
Simply adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet doesn’t mean you’re adhering to a healthy diet. In fact, plenty of junk foods are vegan by accident, as we discussed in episode 286: Are Fritos Vegan?. 
Giving up animal products is definitely a step in the right direction but just remember, there’s more to a healthy diet than just giving up meat.

You Can Still Eat Fruit When You Have Diabetes

Fresh, frozen, and even canned fruits (without any added sugars) are actually perfectly fine to eat while managing your diabetes. 
Because they contain fructose (naturally occurring sugar) and are high in fiber, most fruits are low on the glycemic index (GI). 
A nice, juicy piece of fresh fruit can help satisfy your sweet tooth while providing you a good source of fiber and nutrients! 

You Can Still Have Carbohydrates…Just the Right Kind

Not all carbs are created equal! The key is to eat carbs that contain plenty of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. 
Carbs that come from processed foods don’t do this for you. Carbs that come from fruits and vegetables do. 
While there has been a lot of emphasis on cutting carbs to lose weight, this alone hasn’t proven effective for the treatment of diabetes. 
A study performed in 2003 by the National Institute of Health found that a plant-based diet helped control blood sugar about 3 times more than a diet that restricted carbs and calories. 
In a rather short period of time, those who participated in the study lost weight and their A1C levels dropped. 
In some cases, their diabetes was reversed completely!