Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

10 Healthy Coping Mechanisms To Help You Through Uncertain Times (VZ 354)

March 29, 2020

These are definitely uncertain times.  As I write this, the world is dealing with a major pandemic which has left people feeling isolated, scared, angry, and anxious. Many are having trouble coping with this stress.
In this episode of the podcast, we provide you with 10 healthy coping mechanisms for navigating difficult periods. You can listen here…
…or read on for a quick summary of what we discuss.
10 Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Spend Some Time in Nature

Spending time in nature can be as easy as stepping into your backyard and listening to the birds. We have a duck pond close to our home where we go to walk our dogs and enjoy some time outdoors. Try to find safe outside spaces where you can observe nature without any distractions (including your phone). If your face is buried in your phone while you’re outside, you’ll miss out on a lot! 



Exercise not only has physical benefits but mental ones as well.  If you can’t get to a gym, there are PLENTY of things you can do from home (or during your outdoor time). 
Since we both work from home, I’ll sometimes set a timer to help remind me to stand up and step away from my desk. Larissa and I will sometimes start our own impromptu 80s dance party just to get us up and moving. 



I like to journal, and have done so for years. It feels good to pour my thoughts out onto a page. I prefer longhand writing for journals because I do think your brain works differently when you write versus when you type. It slows you down just enough to allow you to process your thoughts differently. This is currently my favorite journal, but a plain notebook will work just as well. 


Stay In Touch with Family and Friends

My family and friends are truly my greatest treasures. They can be an immense source of comfort during difficult times. Don’t be embarrassed to tell those people close to you how you are feeling. They may be in a position to help you, or at least provide just the right amount of encouragement to help you through. 


Our sense of smell is a powerful tool to help relieve stress and achieve relaxation. Scented candles, soothing essential oils, and scented lotions can all help our minds and bodies relax. For more on the benefits of essential oils, check out episode 262 of our podcast, Essential Oils 101.


Watch Something Funny

Of ALL the items in this list of healthy coping mechanisms, this one (for me) works the fastest to turn a “meh” mood into a positive one!
When I was in a job I didn’t really care for, I started incorporating “laughter” into my daily routine. Larissa and I would watch an episode of Arrested Development or Seinfeld while we ate breakfast before I left for work. More often than not,