Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

Vegan Travel Tips with Brighde Reed of World Vegan Travel (VZ 347)

February 09, 2020

Vegan Travel Can Sometimes Be Challenging But It Doesn’t Have to Be!
When I first became a vegetarian, I was still working at my corporate job and traveled regularly for business.
Back then I learned about some of the challenges that can arise for plant-based travelers.
These days, as more people are choosing a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle, more companies are offering veg-friendly goods and services, including vegan travel services!
In this episode of our podcast we talk to Brighde Reed, co-founder of World Vegan Travel. You’ll hear Brighde talk about her company and share some general tips for vegan travel.
Who is Brighde Reed?
Brighde spent her formative years in the UK and Australia before the desire to travel overtook her. She spent the next five years working for an Australian travel company, leading group tours around Southeast Asia, France and Morocco.
She met and fell in love with her partner, Seb, and a couple of years later they discovered veganism together. She became passionate about promoting the vegan message as an activist. Brighde has traveled far and wide both for work and fun, One of her most important jobs at World Vegan Travel is ensuring the vegan food on their trips is second to none! 

About eating while traveling, she says, “One thing I encourage people to do, which is really more of a mindset thing, is to trust that you are not going to starve. You’re not going to go hungry.
“In all of the traveling that I’ve done in 11 years of being vegan, I’ve never actually gone hungry because there has not been anything for me to eat. I just kind of accept that maybe I might have a few boring meals.
“In rural Vietnam for example, I might just have fried rice without egg, um, for a few days and that’s okay. We can’t always have incredible food all of the time.
“Once you internalize that, you just relax a little bit and you just trust that there’s going to be something. Whether it’s just buying some food at the supermarket and sitting on the bench or just having a pizza without cheese or something like that.
“I feel that this has been the most helpful for me as I travel.”

Some Helpful Travel Apps

* Happy Cow
* Air Vegan
* Google Translate
* Vegoresto
* Yelp
* VegVistis
* A Billion Veg

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