Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

7 of the Healthiest Seeds You Can Eat (and Some Ways to Eat Them!) (VZ 344)

January 19, 2020

Seeds — what they lack in size, they MORE than makeup for in nutritional value! Here are 7 of the healthiest seeds you can eat to give you an extra nutritional boost!
You can listen to us discuss these “fab 7” seeds below or read on for a quick review of what we discuss:
7 of the Healthiest Seeds


I (Vickie) eat flaxseed pretty regularly. Our local grocery store’s organic brand offers instant oatmeal with added flax, which makes it super easy to add flax to my diet.
Another easy way to consume flaxseed is in a smoothie. A high-powered blender like our Vitamix blends everything so smoothly that adding seeds to a smoothie doesn’t result in a gritty drink. 
Benefits of Flaxseed

Great source of Omega-3 fatty acids
Good source of healthy fats
Good source of fiber

Some Ways to Eat Flaxseed

Added to smoothies
Mixed into cooked oatmeal
Added to quick bread batter


Pepita (Pumpkin Seeds)

I love pumpkin, so I’m a little embarrassed to say that I only recently discovered the yumminess of pumpkin seeds. 
In addition to being yummy, pumpkin seed nutrition is impressive. 
Benefits of Pepita

The ONLY alkaline-forming seed. Many foods these days produce acid, which leads to inflammatory responses in the body. Eating pumpkin seeds can help to “alkalize” your body and protect against disease. 
High in antioxidants
VERY high in magnesium 
High in fiber
Can lower blood sugar levels
Good source of iron
Good source of zinc

Some Ways to Eat Pepitas

Sprinkled on salads
Roasted (we are including a video from Minimalist Baker to show you how to roast pumpkin seeds) 
Added to quick bread batter
In granola (many store-bought granolas already contain pumpkin seeds)



Chia Seeds

Episode 227 of the podcast was entirely focused on “ch-ch-ch-chia seeds”! 
Benefits of Chia Seeds

A great source of omega-3
Help to raise your HDL (good cholesterol) 
Great source of fiber
Great source of protein
Loaded with antioxidants

Some Ways to Eat Chia Seeds

Added to smoothies
Chia Seed Pudding (recipe from Cookie + Kate). This is a GREAT, healthy breakfast or snack!