Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 209: Interview with Andy Hayes of Plum Deluxe

June 18, 2017

Recently, we received an email from Andy Hayes, the owner of a loose-leaf tea company in Portland, Oregon called Plum Deluxe. We were excited to hear that he learned about us from a customer, and are very happy to have him on the podcast to share the mission of his company (and it’s a great one!) and teach us a few things about buying, brewing, and enjoying tea.
Thanks for tuning in to this episode of the Vegetarian Zen Podcast! If you find value in our podcast and listen on iTunes, please consider leaving us a rating and review.
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Here’s what we mention in this episode:

* Plum Deluxe
* Plum Deluxe Philanthropy & Fellowship Fund
* Plum Deluxe on Facebook
* Plum Deluxe on Pinterest
* Plum Deluxe on Twitter

* Guide to Loose Leaf Tea for Beginners
* Green Tea 101: Raise a Cup to Your Health
* Black Tea 101: Digging Deeper Into the World of Tea

* VZ 143: Tea Time with Vegetarian Zen

Special Offer from Plum Deluxe: Earl Grey Month
Follow the link for a delicious discount when you purchase Earl Grey teas, including traditional blends like Mindful Morning (“cream” Earl Grey with vanilla) and Gratitude (strawberry Earl Grey), plus fruit-flavored “experimental” blends with enticing names like Happy-go-lucky, Forest, Cheer, and Hospitality.

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Thanks for listening!
Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa