Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 180: All About Vegan Fashion – Just in Time for Holiday Shopping

November 27, 2016

The holidays are upon us! If you’re a vegan, receiving non-vegan clothing or accessories from well-meaning gift-givers can become an uncomfortable situation. Many people don’t realize that vegans typically do not use products made from animals (leather bags, belts, or wallets, suede clothing, jewelry made from ivory, etc). Also, it can often be hard to determine if clothes or accessories are truly vegan. In this episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast, we share tips for finding vegan fashion, including some places that cater specifically to vegan shoppers.
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Here’s what we mention in this episode:

 Corkor accessories – bags & wallets – made from all-natural cork. Vegan and eco-friendly!

* How to Wear Vegan
* Vegan Chic
* Herbivore Clothing Company
* Alternative Outfitters
* Cruelty-free Vegan Fashion Brands, Designers, and Stores
* Moo Shoes Vegan Shoe Brands

Resources Used for this Episode

* Vegan Fashion
* Vegan Fashion Blog
* 2014 Vegan Fashion Awards
* Are vegan shoes eco-friendly?
* The 10 of the Best Vegan Designers
* 7 Truly Eco Friendly Vegan Leathers
* Cruelty-free Vegan Fashion Brands, Designers and Stores

Recipe of the Week

* Tofu Spinach Lasagne

Quotes of the Week
The finest clothing made is a person’s own skin, but, of course, society demands something more than this.
— Mark Twain
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