Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 167: Restrictive Eating and a Vegetarian Lifestyle

August 28, 2016

In today’s episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast, we’re going to talk about something that is very close to us…the problems associated with restrictive eating. While not technically classified as an eating disorder, restrictive eating can be very damaging and very hard to address and overcome.  Vickie will share some personal experiences, as well as some ways she’s working to move past them.
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Here’s what we mention in this episode:

* Caroline Dooner – The Fuck It Diet podcast
* Johns Hopkins Eating Disorder Program

Resources Used for this Episode

* Orthorexia Nervosa
* When Veganism Is an Eating Disorder
* 3 Tips on going vegan after restrictive eating (part 2)
* Can Veganism Lead To Eating Disorders? A Nutritionist Weighs In
* Vegetarianism, Eating Disorder Study Reveals Worrisome Relationship Among Women

We Recommend:

* Body MAGIC!: a Blissful End to Emotional Eating  by Chinmayi Dore

Recipe of the Week

* Cheesy, Oozy Guacamole Bean Dip

Quotes of the Week
When the mind, body, and spirit work together I believe anything is possible.
— Criss Angel
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