Distilling Venture Capital

Distilling Venture Capital

What's A Venture Capital Voicemail?

July 05, 2016

[spacer height="10px"] [spacer height="10px"] What's Venture Capital Voicemail and why is it replacing Venture Capital Coroner's Report?  If you listen to Episode 15 - Know When To Fold 'Em of Venture Capital, I explain why that podcast died.  Venture Capital Voicemail was born from the lessons I learned from VC Coroner's Report.  I believe the new format provides a better and more viable way to share wisdom from the venture capital industry with investors, entrepreneurs and start-up teams. Venture Capital Voicemail lets you listen in as fictional VC Victor Chumsford mentors his new associate Newman B. (aka "Newbie"). Victor's voicemails point his fictional protégé to real life blog posts, articles, videos and podcasts handpicked from seasoned VCs and industry experts.  Now Victor doesn't just send Newman a list of links.  He's a VC partner after all, so he has a point of view that he's not shy about sharing.  And occasionally he'll forward a voicemail from a living, breathing VC who's called to share their view point and wisdom on a topic. If you're a VC, angel investor, entrepreneur or work at a startup, Victor's voicemails will give you food for thought, ideas to discuss and hopefully the wisdom and resources you need to accelerate your success. Why a semi-fictional format?  I wanted to share content from around the VC industry in a way it hasn't been before. The semi-fictional format gives me a lot of flexibility and just seemed more entertaining.  The format will likely evolve and change, but my goal will remain the same: to share serious experience and wisdom from the venture capital industry in an entertaining and hopefully light hearted way. Please let me know what you think. ~Mark