Valerie's Variety Podcast

Valerie's Variety Podcast

Chants – Spells & Witches

November 19, 2019

My first Audio Book, production, Wicca for Beginners written by Amelia Greenwood

Episode 78

Recently, yours truly got accepted into the spoken word world and now I have my first produced Audio book live on Audible. Wicca for Beginners by Amelia Greenwood. This is something I’ve been working on for several months and I am quite excited to have been accepted into his world of voice reading. Following along my suite with this forum of podcasting – now I’ll get to lend my voice into other avenues, genre’s and titles. My first audio book partnership with Amelia Greenwood is called Wicca for Beginner:; The Ultimate Guide to Wiccan Rituals, Beliefs, Tools, and Spells. A Book for Solitary Practitioners and Witches to Get Started With Witchcraft, Herbs, Candles, and Moon Magic

Welcome back to Valerie’s Variety Podcast with your host me, Valerie Moss this show is about ReViews, InterViews and my DailyViews. It’s a story podcast about my life in Calgary, WhatEVER | WhenEVER. The show drops every Tuesday. Follow me on Instagram @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss Facebook @ValeriesVarietyPod

How did this start?

The book I was asked to produce was on a subject I’m not well versed in, the Wiccan Religion. I was however more inclined to read something out-loud that is in the vein of a guide or a manual to gain some experience. I wasn’t sure about having another voice inflection for a character for example, a male. Maybe one day but today I’ll stick with manuals, guides and maybe cook books lol, 1 cup of this and a sprinkle of that. If you’re loving my voice, which I’ve heard from some of you – then you can listen and learn about Wicca if you feel so inclined to indulge in this magical world of Wicca and learn about the myths and truths on this nature based religion. I’ll share some snippets of my book with you to entice you.

Take a listen…

Throughout the show today I’ll give you a few highlights of this process, working with the ACX team – this is the company that fill up audible with all the books we love to listen to. I’ve been looking for a side hustle and I’ve now found one!

First step is to create a profile on ACX, so you add samples, upload these to your profile, write a description of each one

* Val’s Valerie’s Sample – take a listen, this sample I created for my Valere’s segment on the podcast which I love but it might have been a little too crazy for this interviewees, so I back burnered it for now but I had fun with the production of it the music and the playing around with my name!* Ways of a Freelancer – audition I loved this book content full of very current information – not accepted tho to produce* and last but not least is my introduction to my weekly show –...