Valerie's Variety Podcast

Valerie's Variety Podcast

….when the moon hits your eye like a BIG pizza Pie…

October 29, 2019

Without Papers, ambiance, service and delicious pizza

Episode 75

Welcome back to VVP with your host me, Valerie Moss, todays show I’m ReViewing Without Papers, a great pizza place upstairs in Inglewood, Enjoy the episode and don’t forget the napkins! The background of this recording is pretty convoluted with the music but the music is great. VVP is a weekly show about mylife in Calgary, ReViews, InterViews and my Daily Views, it’s a story podcast WhatEVER, WhenEVER, this show drops every Tuesday. Follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest

When we went here it was still a bit fresh outside – which I love, walking on a fall day out in the crisp air. When you walk into this place you go up a long narrow red staircase, there’s a huge disco ball spinning. They are playing black and white movies. on a projector and great air supply music. As we mull the menu over, we debate if this is going to be our meal or a snack we do this ALOT and we are always trying to change the pizza toppings

I’ve influenced London’s idea of good glassware to drink out of, I HATE drinking out of plastic as you know do you know why? When I was 16 I had to get my tonsils out, stay overnight in a small town hospital. All of the dishes were plastic – ever since then. Horrible flavour and feeling drinking out of this foreign substance. 

We debate the menu and finally make a decision while keeping London’s wishes. a compromise so we are all happy.  Well we get the menu figured out our pizza ordered the waitress is quite patient with us, well me mostly  but shew as so patient.

Without Papers Pizza

Without papers or ‘wop’ the name is derived from brash italian kids running the streets without papers – meaning without legal papers for being in the country. It’s a slur to the Italians. Nothing to do with pizza. And the ‘wop’ word isn’t actually used in reference either. They don’t even have their name on the menu, just a cool symbol and the WP noted discreetly.

I love to go to Inglewood, get a chai tea or London Fog at Rossos’s coffee, walk up and down, in and out of shops in Inglewood, always stopping at PLANT for new purchase or check things out, pet the shop dogs and carry on. If it’s a sunny crisp day we, London and I will be down there for hours.  Since Jeff was with us this day, we stopped into Kent and he purchased some beard bomb, it smells like cigar smoke and whiskey – so nice. Good manly smell and it works good to!

Our wine comes a blend for me, Jeff’s drinking Red…not my favourite! The waitress brings us crayons…don’t you just love to doodle while waiting for the meal, London and I always do this together…on the back of the menu, where it’s a blank canvas, but don’t you  hate it when the crayons are not sharp…London says the crayons are not sharp – that isn’t cool, is it people?

We are reminiscing about The Diner, this is The Diner Delux on Edmonton Trail and like 8 in Bridgeland. We used to frequent the Diner like on a weekly basis for years. Then it was sold, then they changed their hours, then they remodelled.