USAHEC Perspectives Lectures Series (Audio)

USAHEC Perspectives Lectures Series (Audio)

Lying to Ourselves: Dishonesty in the Army Profession - Perspectives in Military History

May 02, 2017

April 19, 2017 - Dr. Leonard Wong and Dr. Stephen Gerras

Every day, no matter the environment or specific duties, U.S. Army officers are bombarded with overwhelming demands for their units to accomplish tasks, and sometimes tasks are far beyond their capacity. In February 2015, Dr. Leonard Wong and Dr. Stephen Gerras published an extensive study outlining the deception occurring at all levels of the Army’s leadership in response to the pressure officers are placed under to report success in their unit, even when success does not necessarily exist. In response to their study, the authors offer solutions to change the culture in the Army and the military as a whole. In this lecture, the authors will outline the issue, offer solutions, and review the impact their 2015 study had on the U.S. Army in the two years since publication.

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