The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast

On Vampires & Weird Creatures - Vampires Throughout History (part 2 of 2) - The Unnormal Paranormal Podcast -- Discussing the World Of Ghosts, Hauntings, Psychics, UFOs, New Scientific Discoveries & Anything Unexplained

June 25, 2017

Researcher Ronald Murphy, author of “On Vampires”, explains how vampires and other dark figures have evolved and shaped the beliefs of world civilizations for thousands of years  — from Lillith, Adam’s first wife,  on up to recent use as a tool for negative propaganda against immigrant populations and cultures.
Later on in this episode, Ronald Murphy and James Poston, our in-house horror movie expert, discuss vampire movies past and present, good and …. sometimes bad!
Links to our guest ~
Ronald Murphy Website
Ronald Murphy Facebook Page
Books Authored by Ronald Murphy (including new book, “On Vampires”)