Sermons – Unity of Tallahassee

Sermons – Unity of Tallahassee

Latest Episodes

The Forgiveness Factor
May 24, 2015

Is there something in your life that seems unforgivable? In the teachings of Jesus we find an equation that may apply to that situation. With just a little self awareness one realizes the counter-productive nature of resentment and unforgiveness.

Finding Happiness by Developing our Discernment
May 24, 2015

Early Service with Paul Smith | We are all seeking more happiness in our lives. Recognizing opportunities as they arise or solutions to problems that are not always obvious becomes easier as we develop our discernment.

The Payment Principle
May 17, 2015

Every encounter, relationship, or activity in life is a transaction in which one kind of energy is exchanged for another.  Nothing is free.  Everything is paid for in some form.  To arrive at an inner realization of balance,

Overcoming Fear
May 17, 2015

Early Service | Fear is a vital evolutionary element in animal survival. It is meant to guide us away from danger, to charge us with energy and adrenaline to combat those forces that seek to harm us. But many of our fears are not rational,

Neither Within Nor Without
May 10, 2015

Does the Universe feel?  Maybe so.  Everywhere we go, if we are able to go beyond what we are projecting onto life moments, we can notice that whatever or whoever we encounter feels like something independent of how I feel about it.

A Mother’s Love
May 10, 2015

Early Service | A mother's love is something sacred, special, and unique. This Mother's Day, let us take a moment to not only feel and express gratitude toward the mothers in our lives, but be inspired to express that love in all we do.

Martha, Martha
May 03, 2015

When we view Jesus' teachings from the perspective that he offered ways for us to discover inner obstacles to the realization of peace and happiness we find practical spiritual tools for transformation. Let's explore one specific common block to our ha...

Seeking Guidance
May 03, 2015

Early Service | We have all sorts of guides for finding our way on the road - maps, GPS, friendly gas station attendants. But what about the road of life? Siri may not be much help with the troubling questions of life,

Finding the Flow of Love
April 26, 2015

Early Service | There was a time when I thought of love as a thing to be exchanged - I love you, you love me back. A higher understanding reveals love as so much more: an experience, a practice, a state of being.

The Point of Spirituality
April 19, 2015

We often refer to Unity as a church for people who are "spiritual, not religious." We call ourselves a spiritual community, we talk about spiritual principles and practices, but what does it all add up to? What is the point of spirituality?