Sermons – Unity of Tallahassee

Sermons – Unity of Tallahassee

Latest Episodes

A New Kind of Light
May 24, 2016

Light is a recurring theme in Jesus’ teachings.  This talk explores the possibility that he understood different dimensions of consciousness which are accessible to you and me.

May 04, 2016

The difficulties and obstacles of life seem to be set in stone sometimes.  But a doorway lies in these limitations. That door is unlocked when we ask the right question.

May 04, 2016

Our acquired personality is formed with a particular set of beliefs about ourselves and how life works.  We have built in certain ‘default’ positions that we fall back to in times of stress or upset.  Is it possible that there are new and less limiting...

May 04, 2016

With all the noise of daily life, can you find the harmony that lies within all circumstances and events?

June 28, 2015

Our true nature is connected to everyone and all things.  As consciousness evolves we realize more and more this reality. Unity is all about coming into the realization and experience of connectedness or oneness.

The Wellspring
June 21, 2015

Connect with your Self by connecting with the Source.  Jesus called the Source, Father. I fondly remember going with my Dad to some property he owned on a Sunday afternoon to get a drink from a spring bubbling up from the ground.

Be H.A.P.P.Y.
June 14, 2015

What does HAPPY stand for to you? Five states of being we can access combine to create an overall experience of happiness. What are they?

Making Light
June 07, 2015

Learn how you can light up your world. Our experience of life is determined by how we process and transform what we encounter. What life becomes for us is the product of how conscious we are when engaging the people and events of life.

Neither Offended Nor An Offender
May 31, 2015

Carrying the weight of hurt feelings burdens ones life unnecessarily.  But, how can I put that baggage down? - When our feelings get hurt, we tend to live inside those feelings, rather than in the realization of who we are.  When we give offense,

Living in the Now
May 31, 2015

Early Service | We often talk about the importance of living in the moment, but what does that really mean for us and how can we achieve it?