Sermons – Unity of Tallahassee

Sermons – Unity of Tallahassee

Latest Episodes

Grappling with Forgiveness
April 19, 2015

Early Service | Forgiveness is a major theme through Christianity and New Thought in general. Understanding how to forgive people for minor grievances and release resentment can have a powerful effect on our lives. But what about MAJOR wrongdoings?

Seeing the Risen Christ
April 05, 2015

Early Service | On Easter Sunday we traditionally focus on the resurrection stories of Jesus having risen and left the tomb early. In the stories that follow, however, we see the risen Christ appearing to many of the disciples.

5th Sunday Q&A
March 29, 2015

Early Service | On this fifth Sunday of the month we set aside the prepared sermon and take an active exploration of our questions and challenges in faith and spirituality. Everyone will be invited to (anonymously) submit one or more questions,

The Power of Faith
March 22, 2015

Early Service | Biblical scripture portrays times in which Jesus Christ upheld faith as a truly transformative and powerful quality. But what does it mean to have faith, and what does that look like in our daily lives?

Moving Into Action
March 15, 2015

Early Service | It is vital that we pay attention to our thoughts and words, as they are always prayers - whether we are aware of it or not. But we also pray with our hands and feet. Let us move our affirmations into action.

March 01, 2015

Early Service | As we continue to explore the influence of our thoughts, ideas, and spoken words, let us look closer at what we are affirming about ourselves and our world. The I AM is a powerful tool that can uplift or diminish according to our will.

Awakening To Love
February 15, 2015

The Gospel account of the teachings of Jesus, when experienced through the heart, reveals the path to awakening as the struggle to love the seemingly unlovable.

The Law of Mind Action
February 15, 2015

Early Service | The Law of Mind Action has been popularized as the means by which we shape the world around us; but by bringing God back into the picture, we can learn to shape the world within us.

God as Mind
February 08, 2015

Early Service | If God is not being in the heavens, then what is God? The answer is multi-faceted, but let us begin with the concept of God as Mind -- and what that means for us.

The Wow Factor
February 01, 2015

Wow! Isn't life something amazing? How easily we can become jaded, passing over the astonishing wonders right before our eyes. Wow! is part and parcel of the most simple aspects of our lives. Jesus asked his desciples, "Did you not see the miracle?" Let's