The Future Belongs to Canada

The Future Belongs to Canada

Latest Episodes

CoRoNaViRuS uPdAtE
April 09, 2020

Mr Loon and Professor Moose discuss these strange times of pandemic.

what is a virus?
January 24, 2020

Professor Moose explains to Mr Loon what a virus is all about. And The Irishman.

when I come out, could you introduce me as Temi?
October 06, 2019

The boys talk Magyars, the God Emperor and Joker.

Nuclear Temi
September 09, 2019

The boys discuss the Toronto gun show TACCOM, nuclear weapons in casual usage, the joys of virtual reality, and the Sopranos.

Schuuuan Calls Out Harvard
December 15, 2018

UFOs, Presidential Clones and more Predator talk.

The Podcast to End All Podcasts
November 14, 2018

Schuuan and Jackie discuss the First World War, "democracy" and his stunts with the TTC.

O especial político de Schuuan e Jackie
October 28, 2018

We ramble for hours about the decrepit state of the world.

October 17, 2018

Schuuuan and Jackie discuss space travel and stuff.

Kanye's Big Adventure to the White House
October 14, 2018

Kanye and Trump Make America Great Again

A Spotty Car Ride Through Ontario's Backwoods
October 07, 2018

The boys discuss good and bad movies. And two new specimens of interest.