The Tuneful, Beatful, Artful Music Teacher

The Tuneful, Beatful, Artful Music Teacher

Latest Episodes

Season Three Preview
October 17, 2020

A brief overview of the first few episodes of the new season

Dear White Colleagues- Jasmine Fripp (Part 3) | S2E19
July 30, 2020

In this final part of our series with passionate black music educator and activist Jasmine Fripp, Missy asks about practical ways predominantly white music education organizations can invite and center the voices of Black, Brown,

Dear White Colleagues- Jasmine Fripp (Part 2) | S2E18
July 07, 2020

Join Missy for a special 3-episode series with music educator Jasmine Fripp, author of the Facebook post entitled “With Love, Letters to my Fellow White Colleagues” that went viral, provoking countless discussions of how white music teachers should app...

Dear White Colleagues- Jasmine Fripp (Part 1) | S2E17
June 22, 2020

Join Missy for a special 3-episode series with music educator Jasmine Fripp, author of the Facebook post entitled “With Love, Letters to my Fellow White Colleagues” that went viral, provoking countless discussions of how white music teachers should app...

COVID, Look What You’ve Done to Me! | S2E16
April 30, 2020

In the final episode of Season Two, Missy chats about the ups and downs of teaching in the age of a COVID-19, especially in the Feierabend-focused classroom. She also interviews 2 of her kids, Jackson and Owen,

Series-Reflections on Conversational Solfege: a Teacher Trainer Perspective | S2E15
April 09, 2020

Missy sits down with FAME Teacher Trainer and FAME President-Elect Emily Maurek to talk about what Conversational Solfege is and why it is such a great program to use with kids who are tuneful, beatful, and artful.

Conversational Solfege in the Real World- Taylor Kurilew Part 3 | S2E14
March 26, 2020

John Feierabend’s Conversational Program is a phenomenal way to help  your already Tuneful, Beatful, Artful students become musically independent and notationally literate, but it can be challenging for teachers to master the process.

Conversational Solfege in the Real World – Taylor Kurilew Part 2 | S2E13
March 12, 2020

John Feierabend’s Conversational Program is a phenomenal way to help  your already Tuneful, Beatful, Artful students become musically independent and notationally literate, but it can be challenging for teachers to master the process.

Conversational Solfege in the Real World- Taylor Kurilew Part 1 | S2E12
February 27, 2020

John Feierabend’s Conversational Program is a phenomenal way to help  your already Tuneful, Beatful, Artful students become musically independent and notationally literate, but it can be challenging for teachers to master the process.

Reflections on First Steps in Music: a Teacher Trainer Perspective with Lindsay Jackson | S2E11
February 12, 2020

FAME Teacher Trainer Lindsay Jackson talks with Missy about First Steps in Music, Dr. Feierabend’s curriculum to help young students become Tuneful, Beautiful, and Artful. Hear what, in particular, this master teacher loves about First Steps.