Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Latest Episodes

070: Sexual Self-Mastery w/ Destin Gerek
May 01, 2017

[What this show is about] Today, the issues of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction (ED) are a common, challenging, and detrimental reality for many couples. It can strike the least likely people and like most sex-based issues,

069: Confronting Fear and Scarcity
April 20, 2017

In the last two weeks, I've have the same conversation 5 times around a woman's vigilance center. The reaction to these conversations is fascinating. They either are relived, angry, frustrated or confused. Or a combination of all four. -

068: A Woman’s Ego with Arielle Brown
April 18, 2017

Last week's show, "A Man's Ego", was one of my favorite shows I've done. It was an edgy, uncomfortable, informative and carried a lot of sensation. I felt a LOT of wisdom came out. - I immediately wanted to do a follow up show on a "Woman's Ego" but t...

067: A Man’s Ego
April 06, 2017

This week's is a little bit more intense than normal. We will be talking about the interesting and very tender topic of Men and their Ego's. This will NOT be either a male-bashing experience nor a softening of the truth. It will be,

066: Reigniting your Mojo with Deborah Kagan
March 30, 2017

Deborah Kagan's title is "Mojo Recovery specialist". I LOVE that title because I think we all need a little spark some times. - "Mojo" was originally defined as a charm or a spell. The urban dictionary has expanded the definition to include sexual ap...

065: Superior Communication Techniques
March 23, 2017

As a business consultant/Life-coach, I would say that 99% of the issues I work with people around concern f&*ked up communication. It continues to amaze me how poorly we are trained to both speak and listen.

064: How to Set & Keep Goals
March 16, 2017

In January 2013, I was feeling out-of-shape. For an ex-fat kid, this sensation is akin to torture because every moment, every look in the mirror brings up young triggers. I had just migrated from SF to LA for the job and had the opportunity to setup a ...

063: Coping with BETRAYAL
March 09, 2017

I've recently had an experience where I've been betrayed by someone who I considered a close friend. - The details aren't that important but I will discuss them briefly. We created a business together, it ended,

062: The Ever-Changing Identity
March 02, 2017

The fascinating concept of your identity. We all know who we are right? Its pretty constant with some minor changes here and there. Right? I thought so too. After a deep journey last weekend, I am seeing parts of my identity that I don't even know wher...

061: Attainable Perfection
February 23, 2017

I once studied with a group in Northern California called More. I was a personal growth newbie at the time and their viewpoints, written by the late Dr. Victor Baranco, were quite revolutionary for me. One of them stayed with me: You are perfect and "P...