Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Latest Episodes

097: Leap to Live the Life you Want with Antesa Jensen
November 14, 2017

Welcome back to Tuff Love with Rob Kandell. The guest this week is Antesa Jensen. Antesa is the founder and visionary leading Adventure Awake, as well as co-founder of The Proteus Group. She recently left a 12-year career in the investment banking indu...

097: Leap to Live the Life you Want with Antesa Jensen
November 14, 2017

Welcome back to Tuff Love with Rob Kandell. The guest this week is Antesa Jensen. Antesa is the founder and visionary leading Adventure Awake, as well as co-founder of The Proteus Group. She recently left a 12-year career in the investment banking indu...

096: A Man’s Mission vs. Self Care
November 06, 2017

The concept of this show is man’s mission versus self-care, and the strange balance that exists between the two. Many people, Rob included, have a challenge finding that balance. Morgan asked Rob why the show is called ‘a man’s mission versus self-care...

096: A Man’s Mission vs. Self Care
November 06, 2017

Welcome back to Tuff Love with Rob Kandell. The concept of the show today is man’s mission versus self-care, and the strange balance that exists between the two. Many people, Rob included, have a challenge finding that balance.

095: Dealing with Touch Deprivation with Jean Franzblau
October 30, 2017

Welcome back to Tuff Love, with Rob Kandell. - The guest today is Jean Franzblau, who is talking about the concept of cuddling. Once upon a time, Jean opened an in-flight magazine and saw a bunch of people chilling out and cuddling.

095: Dealing with Touch Deprivation with Jean Franzblau
October 30, 2017

Welcome back to Tuff Love, with Rob Kandell. The guest today is Jean Franzblau, who is talking about the concept of cuddling. Once upon a time, Jean opened an in-flight magazine and saw a bunch of people chilling out and cuddling.

094: The VERY important conversation about #meToo
October 19, 2017

Welcome back to Tuff Love with Rob Kandell. This show is in response to the #metoo meme that has had people all over the world talking about the pervasive issue of sexual assault and harassment. Rob believes the truth is the most important impact we ca...

093: Men’s Vulnerability vs. Control w/ Christopher Hoffman
October 12, 2017

Welcome back to Tuff Love with Rob Kandell. It’s been an exciting few week as Rob finished the book proposal, finished the Indiegogo campaign at 110% of the goal, and sent the book proposal off to Hay House! In the process of writing the book,

092: The Achievement Trap with Brandliyn Tebo
September 28, 2017

Welcome back to Tuff Love with your host, Rob Kandell. This week the guest star is Brandilyn Tebo and she’s here to talk about the concept of the achievement trap. She teaches workshops for women called The Shift,

091: Tiger-Tiger is it true?
September 27, 2017

Welcome back to Tuff Love with your host, Rob Kandell. Tuff love is always about ways to improve your life, ways to see how things are or are not working. The topic today is very interesting and possibly one of the unique Tuff Love episodes to date.