Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Latest Episodes

121: The Achievement Trap: We Don’t Have To Do What We Think We Ought To with Brandilyn Tebo
March 20, 2018

Too often we find ourselves in the achievement trap, which is following what we think we're supposed to achieve. We’ve been programmed to go after certain dreams and live in certain ways to truly be successful. We’re always trying to please,

120: Six Conversations – Power, Surrender and Releasing Control with Arielle Brown and Jamie Thompson
March 16, 2018

Present-day women are faced with the challenge of balancing between their feminine and masculine side. While they lean towards their stronger and independent side in the workplace and social circles, they still want to stay connected with their soft an...

119: The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Love In This Day And Age with Robert Manni
March 13, 2018

What does it take to be a man? With how contemporary culture has evolved, Robert Manni explores the idea of authenticity in present-day society where it has become confusing to be a man in today's world. He delves into what it means to come out and be ...

118: Six Conversations – The Dark Side of the Goddess Movement with Arielle Brown and Jamie Thompson
March 09, 2018

In the modern day spirituality movement for women, it’s natural to tap into the light side because it’s easy and comfortable and there is now double standard that comes along with it. The dark side of the Goddess movement touches on this edgy aspect of...

117: Rise of the Awakened Masculine with Kevin Oroszlan
March 06, 2018

The culture that we have right now has made deep connections between masculinity and patriarchy. But cultures change with time so men need to see themselves in the man’s world. Kevin Oroszlan describes the rise of the awakened masculine as a journey of...

116: Six Conversations: The Victim Archetype in Romance & Relationship with Arielle Brown and Jamie Thompson
March 02, 2018

There are many cultures across the world where the image of women is projected as the victim archetype. For them to find true love, they must wait for their prince charming riding out into the sunset. While this fantasy works for some,

115: Control Toxic Masculinity To Control Violence
February 27, 2018

Guns in video games have been around since the 80’s. Has this fueled the idea in young men that taking the life of someone at the pull of the trigger is all okay granted they have their reasons? Perhaps, but it all boils down still to the mental health...

114: Six Conversations – Playing with Polarities
February 23, 2018

There is a spark in all men and women between their masculine and feminine energy. This is called polarity and just like we learned in seventh grade science, a positive repels another positive while the opposites attract.

113: Relationship With Sexuality: One Man’s Confession
February 21, 2018

Men are just programmed to hide the things they think will make them look weak and vulnerable to the rest of the world. Things like being present with his emotions, accepting his feminine energy and a conscious relationship with sexuality.

112: Six Conversations: Demystifying Oral Sex, Play And Evoke Sensation with Arielle Browne
February 16, 2018

Is it really weird when you go down? This taboo topic offers so much experience, feeling and exploring for a man and a woman. The six conversations continues with demystifying oral sex where one man’s first interaction of it leaves him shameful for not...