Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

100: Celebrating The Most Dynamic Life with Morgan Kandell

December 12, 2017

Show 001 didn't make it because I forgot to press record on Zoom. I even forget what it was about it was so long ago. I started my podcast because I was done, after 12 years, of running in-person workshops but still had plenty to say. "I'll start a podcast. Why not?" 100 shows later, my life is radically changed.

I'm married, step-dad to two powerhouse little ladies, live in suburbia, building an amazing business and writing my first book. Most importantly, I'm the happiest I've ever been.

Come join for my 100th celebratory show where I'll be joined by my muse, Morgan Kandell. We'll be talking about creating a dynamic life, supporting each other's evolution, what our marriage means to us, and other fun topics.
Listen to the podcast here:



Celebrating the Most Dynamic Life
This is Rob Kandell with Mrs. Morgan Kandell. We got married two days ago. First time really together in this new experience of being married, very excited. This is the 100th show, which is cool the way the timing worked out that we got married Tuesday, the show is on Thursday. I invited Morgan to come on the show to celebrate this. Not only the 100th show which is pretty impressive, I would say, for someone who has quit almost 17,000 times, to this relationship, to this life. I'm very happy to have my lady with me on the show. The 100th show, I want to give the progression because that’s the concept of the show, is to look at where I was and where we were at the time of when I started the show and then where it’s come. It’s been really an amazing transition. People say to me or you say to me, you’ve done a lot in the last two years and I'm like, “Yes, I have.”

In October of 2015, I started the show. I was in Venice Beach, California. I had my own house. We were really seven months of dating at that point. I was getting into thick of LA Mother. I was realizing, “Maybe I fucked this up. Maybe I made a mistake starting this business.” It was getting harder and more intense and not going the way I wanted it. We were really just getting to know each other on deeper levels and it was a life that felt to me at my time, beyond our relationship, felt very stuck. I felt a little stuck. I felt like I was dragging my feet. Therapy was happening but just starting hitting those deeper points. When the show started, it was a feeling of not the incredible life I have today. What are your feelings of 2015 October?

I was living in Venice. My life was also in shambles but better than it was when I was in my marriage. It’s a step forward but still trying to figure out and not sure where I was going to end up, looking for a house, not sure what was going to happen with the kids in school and work and basically everything was a mess.

When I describe my life now, it’s fucking incredible. There's no other way to put it. I can't even express it firmly enough of how amazing it is. This relationship, this marriage, being a stepfather, my business, writing a book, my health, all aspects of it has been this really incredible feeling of expansion and growth. The point is, if you're feeling like life sucks or it’s unpotentiated, some people think their life sucks. I talk to them, I coach them. If you think it’s never going to get better, this is just an example of it can and it will if you take the steps of expansion and growth and really believe in yourself to get from point A to point B because we’re proof positive of where it can go.

When you start taking responsibility and start taking control of your life, you can make it go wherever you want to go. I think this is the proof that I've experienced, a 100% proof that I can do it.

Let’s talk about it. What is a dynamic life? To me, it’s just every day waking up and thinking life is possible, the next step is possible.