Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

098: Breaking Contracts Deliberately

November 20, 2017

Our episode is on the concept of deliberately breaking contracts. Inspired by two of my clients who are in a deep, intimate friendship and relationship and business partnership and how they did the work in a coaching session to let go of the past and the process I took them through, and how it has enriched their process and their relationship and who they are in the world today. I also talked about my own personal breaking of contracts with myself really in my relationship to Morgan about open relationships and a really big insight I had on a recent journey.

We then invite Toni and she shares with us her life, what’s going on, her pain and how she’s, on some level, given up but she still longs for a partner, that person to spend the rest of her life. We go through all the things she’s done and she’s done a lot of things. I give her one more shot, one more concept from me. It might work, it might not, but I’m so grateful she came on the show. For more shows, please visit us at ToughLove.live. Please if you feel so inclined, visit iTunes and give Tough Love a nice little rating, a little review, just send a little love back to me and Tough Love. Thank you so much. Now, let’s start the show.
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Breaking Contracts Deliberately
As I was writing the script for the show, I wrote, “It’s going to be a good show.” Just like that feeling you get like, “I like this show.” It’s going to go on a few different directions. Two things I’d like to announce much to the chagrin of my loving partner, Morgan, is that we are getting married on December 5th and I’m very excited about that. It’s been underground and I’ve just been thrilled to announce that this truly amazing person and I are going to tie the knot. Marriage means a lot to me. I don’t even know what it means yet because all I know is what it was when I was a mere slip of a youth, and yet I’m really excited for that piece.

The second thing is Morgan will be coming on to the show on December 7th and she’s very happy about that. Don’t worry, I figured out the show. I got the show, Morgan, it’s going to be super fun. If you want to come on live, put that on your calendar and come on and wish us a happy wedding. There will be a lot of room for Q&A on the December 7th show as we talk about our relationship and the growth of it, and just the beauty of all it’s given me and how grateful I am for it.

This show is called Breaking Old Contracts. This show was inspired by two of my clients. I have two clients, a man and a woman, that have employed me to help them with business consulting but also help them get their business off the ground and just to do the thing I do. I had a session with them that really inspired this show and also a lot inside of me. In fact, I didn’t even really know how much it inspired me until I started writing the script for the show. It was around breaking old contracts. I’m going to be obviously very deliberately vague, not mention their names, not mention any of the circumstances, but give you a flavor of what happened.

They’ve been friends for three or four years. They’ve been in relationship of various forms. They’ve been in business and they got to a point where their old stuff, the old history was getting in the way of their forward motion. You could just hear it in their frustration and the depth of their frustration of how much they wanted to be related and how much they wanted to be connected, and there was something in the way. There was a contract. There was a history. They were so frustrated. All I saw was love, connection and power between them, and what was arising was the old bullshit, just to call a spade a spade. Their old stuff, their baggage was really getting in the way.

I listened and I talked and I got them to write and then I had them on the phone.