Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

096: A Man’s Mission vs. Self Care

November 06, 2017

The concept of this show is man’s mission versus self-care, and the strange balance that exists between the two. Many people, Rob included, have a challenge finding that balance. Morgan asked Rob why the show is called ‘a man’s mission versus self-care’ instead of ‘a man’s mission and self-care’, but it’s because to Rob, the two feel contrary to each other. It’s like the motherhood versus self-care conversation, and how most of us don’t know how to do both sides of the equation well.
Listen to the podcast here:

A Man's Mission vs. Self Care
This was a little bit of a different episode in terms that it was a little quieter, a little softer, a little more introspective. I also didn’t have a guestbook, so I just ranted for about 25 minutes and got someone to come on the line to do a little feedback. It’s around the topic of self-care. I titled this, A Man’s Mission versus Self-Care, very deliberately because in my mind, it really is the battle between the two different sides to me as someone recommended the masculine side versus my feminine side. The whole podcast is really, hopefully, going to have some thought because the man’s mission is really revered in today’s society but a man’s self-care, not so much. I hope you enjoy it. I really enjoyed doing it. For more shows, please visit TuffLove.live.

I am talking about things that need to be talked about, concepts and really it’s, on some level, an inventory of my own life, my own practices, how I am in the world, who I want to be in this world and also things I’m learning. I figured if I’m going through it, might as well share the wealth because I definitely put myself through a lot of obstacles in order to live this life that I’m living. I’m actually at a pretty strong height of my corporate clients in terms of my business consulting, so that’s been keeping me busy. The rest of my business is finding this right balance and I’ve really been thinking about this show. I don’t have a guest for today. I tried to put it out there, it wasn’t found out, so free coaching not used up, which is a message.

Also, it’s a connection to what I’m learning in terms of the whole concept of the show. The concept of the show is the concept of a man’s mission versus self-care and that really strange balance that exists between two people, and how people, myself included, have the challenge of finding the balance. When I was talking to Morgan about this, she said, “Why isn’t it a man’s mission and self-care?” I was like, “It feels like they’re a contrary. They actually feel like they’re against each other.” She’s like, “I get it. I get it because it’s like motherhood versus self-care.” I’m like, “Exactly. It’s the contrary. It’s like how we don’t know how to do both or both sides well.” I’ve really been thinking about this because I realize I am absolutely terrible, horrible at self-care. I am an A-plus for a man on his mission. I am a C-minus for a man who knows how to take care of himself. I’m not exactly sure where this came from, this workaholic insanity nature of mine. It really is a strong element to myself in that I am really good at producing and creating but that downtime is horrible.

I wrote down a couple of things and thinking about a few things. The first is I was inspired. I love reading. I’ve been reading pretty much non-stop for a long time. One of the books I like has a character named Harry Bosch or Hieronymus Bosch, and it’s an author named Michael Connelly. He has this great series. I’ve been listening on audio books for probably about five or six years, absorbing his material. This main character, Harry Bosch, has this way he says things. He talks about his mission. He just talks about his whole life is about solving crimes and speaking for the dead. He just had this one line that affected me many, many years ago at the height of my OneTaste experience. The line is that,