The Click & Convert Podcast

The Click & Convert Podcast

#32 Using Curation To Build Authority In A World Full Of Content - TSBMR

April 05, 2014

This week Sean & Robert discuss content curation and how it can become a valuable part of your online marketing efforts.

Content is the currency of the Web and is what drives clicks, shares, comments, subscribers and sales. Good quality content is invaluable, but getting your content found in a saturated market is a challenge.

Content curation is a valuable service. It is the process of sifting through the web and sharing only the best and most relevant content with your audience. As a content curator it’s your job to ensure that your network of friends, connections and followers don’t have to plough their way through the Internet to find decent information. 

Establishing you as an expert in your field and reinforces your brand as a trusted resource.