Transformational Leadership with Billy Martin

Transformational Leadership with Billy Martin

Latest Episodes

Remove this From You Verbiage
November 13, 2017

This verbiage is damaging to your team and organization

Creating a Culture that is Results Driven
May 17, 2017

Culture is more than environment or a good atmosphere

Maximize your Time to Maximize your Results
April 11, 2017

Your most valuable, non-replenishing resource. You can always make more money, but you cannot make more time

6 Traits Shared by Successful Entrepreneurs
February 19, 2017

Certain traits will give you a leg up on your competition in making your organization a success

Jump Start Your Company Goals
January 07, 2017

The turning of the calendar is a time for reflection and resolution

Capturing & Creating Innovation
August 08, 2016

Innovation is necessary for your organization to thrive. How do you get it?

How to Have a More Productive Week
July 11, 2016

No matter how productive we are, we all want to be more productive

Getting Your Employees to Offer Honest Feedback
June 05, 2016

Getting candid opinions from your direct reports can be difficult

Creating a Vision that Excites
May 16, 2016

Do you have a compelling vision to guide your team or organization into the next season?

April 11, 2016

Is your team suffering from GroupThink?
