Tom Blackman Podcast

Tom Blackman Podcast

3 of the Best Chest Supersets for Mass Building

August 16, 2021

Supersets are a great way to force new growth in your chest

Bodybuilding is not a strength sport first.  It’s a muscle building sport.Supersets help to create new muscle growth by working on the volume training principle.By combining 2 exercises together that hit the chest from different angles you allow failure from 2 stimuli which are focussed on the same muscle group.  In this article I’ll share 3 of my best chest supersets that I’ve used in the past in my own training and also with clients to great results.

Help inject some new interest in your chest workouts

Stop doing the same exercises for chest that you’ve always done.  I see a lot of trainers doing the same 3-4 exercises every week for their chest workout and never make any significant progress.One of my first actions when coaching new clients is to shake up their training with a range of different exercises and workouts while focussing on the main goal of building more muscle.

Supersets are part of the puzzle but not the key piece

Let’s be clear here, this article is not saying to ditch your big compounds and do supersets for all workouts.There’s a ton of guru trainers making up their own ‘best’ weird combination workouts with stupid exercises that do NOTHING for your progress apart from a novelty stimulus.That’s not what I want you to do.I want you to think about how to incorporate these exercises into your workouts to compliment your big lifts.

A varied chest workout for bodybuilding uses a combination of factors

* Heavy exercises to failure* Volume exercises to failure* Low reps 5-7* High reps 10-20* Compound exercises* Isolation exercises

3 of my best chest supersets

These exercises use* Isolation* Compound* VolumeYou’ll find direct video links to these exercises below