Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Latest Episodes

The Mind is Burning
March 05, 2017

After a recitation of the Fire Sutta, Ajahn Viradhammo explains how a misunderstanding of conditioned existence can lead to grasping and suffering. He gives practical methods for noticing the unconditioned and letting go of desire,

Training in Non-desire
February 26, 2017

Ajahn Viradhammo discusses the need for a constant diligence in our mindfulness practice. He warns of the danger in doing a meditation practice with desire in order to become something, and recommends instead the practice of paying attention to vedana,...

Beyond Duality
February 19, 2017

Ajahn Viradhammo reads a passage by Jean Klein, and explores the function of a contemplative mind in analyzing this passage. He discusses desire in relation to the Third Noble Truth, and how to cultivate a quality of attention which is both watchful an...

Accessing the Heart
February 12, 2017

Ajahn Viradhammo compares the emotions of remorse and guilt, and explains how one is a healthy response to a situation whereas the other tends to result from thought and self criticism. He recalls difficult experiences in his own practice,

Insight, Inspiration, Confidence, Doubt
February 12, 2017

Ajahn Viradhammo discusses the place of intellectual understanding of the Buddha’s teachings. He points out that while this type of understanding is important, it is our own personal experience of these teachings that leads to true insight.

Authentic Personal Interest
February 05, 2017

Ajahn Viradhammo speaks about the importance of finding a technique of meditation in which one has an intuitive and authentic personal interest. He explains how this is a skillful way to cultivate a meditation practice that is sustainable.

I’m Like a Tree: Guided Meditation
February 05, 2017

Ajahn Viradhammo leads a guided meditation to allow us to fully welcome and cultivate good will towards those habits of mind that can sometimes be limiting. He uses mindfulness of the body and a calming breathing technique to help us stabilize the medi...

An Avenue of Peace
February 05, 2017

Ajahn Viradhammo describes how we can be with our experience of life in a pragmatic, worldly way, and also in a transcendent way which leads towards peace. He explains how we can transcend all of our experiences through practicing according to the Four...

All Roads Lead to Rome
January 29, 2017

Ajahn Viradhammo recalls experiences from his early days of practice when he sought certain spiritual qualities and experienced aversion towards other qualities. He explains how all practice should ultimately lead in the same direction,

Equanimity and Indifference, Gratitude and the Heart: Q & A
January 29, 2017

Ajahn Viradhammo conducts a question and answer session with the lay retreat crew. He talks about the difference between equanimity and indifference, reflects on the time spent caring for his elderly mother,