Influence By Design

Influence By Design

Latest Episodes

AI-Powered Customer Discovery with Jason Van Orden
August 21, 2023

To grow your business, there are some things you need to nail with your marketing - you must connect with your ideal clients, understand their unique needs and wants, and deliver personalised solution

Business Partners
August 16, 2023

Many entrepreneurs think that having a partner in business is great; however, it's important to recognize that while partnerships offer numerous benefits, they also come with their share of challenges

Enhancing Influence with Nonverbal Communication with Richard Newman
August 14, 2023

The ability to communicate persuasively has never been more critical. Gone are the days when mere words alone could sway minds and shape decisions, and nowadays buyers are more savvy. Understandin

The Power of Knowing Your Numbers
August 09, 2023

Any entrepreneur seeking sustained success and growth must understand that knowing financial numbers is a necessity. With the highs and lows and unexpected challenges in business, the power of knowing

Your Million Dollar Mindset with Vash Tomanec
August 07, 2023

The world of entrepreneurship is filled with an amazing blend of fierce competition and lots of opportunities. But what really makes an entrepreneur incredibly successful is having the right way of th

Who Is Your Ideal Client?
August 02, 2023

As the business landscape gets more competitive and challenging, understanding your ideal client is more crucial than ever. The success of any business hinges on its ability to connect with and cater

Align Your Mind With Your Goals with Dr. Pamela Moss
July 31, 2023

Setting goals is the foundation of personal and professional growth. Whether it's for improving your well-being or taking your business to new heights, having a clear and well-defined goal provides di

Moving Through Fear
July 26, 2023

Continuing our theme with the 11 Mistakes Preventing Business Growth, we dive deeper into a topic which is not a mistake, but a normal human emotion we all experience - fear. In this episode of Infl

Elevate Your Brand For Next Level Success with Estie Starr
July 24, 2023

Standing out as a coach is essential to attract clients, make an impact and achieve remarkable results. But with the huge number of coaches in the industry, how can you rise above the noise, set yours

Pricing And Discounting Your Services
July 19, 2023

Discussing pricing, despite being a sensitive topic in business, can be extremely valuable for enhancing profitability and shaping customer perceptions. Unfortunately, instead of clarifying the ration