This One Mom
Are you a “Fun Mom”? Do you play with your kids? Mom guilt is real. Three moms discuss the pressure to be FUN all the time, while balancing school, work, house, cooking.
2: On this episode, I’m joined by Sarah and Kate. We talk about what it means to be a “fun mom”. We hear so much BS about how to be a fun mom. Wtf even is that? Do we care? We talk about playing with our kids, what age and gender we prefer to play with, what we’re like on vacation (are you your normal lame mom self, or do you magically transform into the FUN version of yourself). We discuss who plays more, us or our husbands. Take a wild guess what the answer to that is. Kate talks about modeling self care by making her hobbies and alone time a priority, and why she doesn’t feel guilty about it. Do you read to your kids? Do art with your kids? Do we even care about being a fun mom? Find out what we have to say! Maybe you’ll leave feeling a little better about yourself!
Connect with Jill on Instagram via @ThisOneMom
New episodes out every other Monday!
Produced by Jill Sherman