Thinks Out Loud: E-commerce and Digital Strategy

Thinks Out Loud: E-commerce and Digital Strategy

The Sky is Falling? The State of Digital — Q4 2022 (Thinks Out Loud Episode 364)

November 16, 2022
Photo of young people using mobile phones, tablets, and laptops to illustrate the current state of digital

It’s earnings season again. And the earnings calls from the tech leaders, the AGFAM (Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft), help provide excellent insights into the state of digital each quarter. So, what is the state of digital in Q4, 2022?

Well, if you listened to most pundits or watched the stock market, you’d think the sky was falling. Is it, though? Or is there a more nuanced story going on here?

As you might guess, I think it’s the latter. The sky isn’t falling. Instead, the tech giants are using the current moment to refocus on areas where they can continue to dominate today… and in the future. In other words, the current state of digital is "more of the same."

What does this mean for your business? What lessons can you take from what Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft are telling their investors? And how can you apply those lessons to your business? The latest Thinks Out Loud dives in and breaks down everything you need to know.

Want to learn more? Here are the show notes for you.

The Sky is Falling? The State of Digital — Q4 2022 — Headlines and Show Notes
Show Notes and Links