The World Map Podcast Network

The World Map Podcast Network

The World Map podcast Episode 003: “HotS Dogs”

May 25, 2015

This week on the show, we do talk about which hot dog is best and Heroes of the Storm. But that's not all!

We adventure to the Himalayas in Far Cry, complain about Smash Bros.' level 9 difficulty and determine that Destiny is finally a decent game now that we've forced ourselves to like it for so long (and dropped some extra cash).

Clark expresses his frustration with his beloved Nintendo's approach to the upcoming World Championships, and in news, we talk Witcher 3 bugs, Hololens, Doom and Playstation Experience.

In "We Have Hobbies," we discuss The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and the original book that inspired Frozen, The Snow Queen.

Finally, to wrap things up, the guys give unsolicited (and probably not even good) financial advice (disclaimer: we have no idea what we're actually saying).

Listen to the full, edited audio experience here or subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher! Please, we want your feedback, so give us reviews (we especially appreciate those of the 5-star variety). It seems daunting, but it only takes a second to leave us a review, and it really helps — please help us!

If you'd prefer to watch the uncut live archive of the show, the stream is available on YouTube.

Catch us each week (typically Sunday afternoons) live and/or subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss an episode. The link to the live stream is tweeted each week from @joshuadelung on Twitter. Be sure to go back and listen to earlier episodes if you've missed any!

Stay tuned, The World Map will have its own standalone website and such very soon! Thanks so much for your support of the show. Until next time, we're poppin' smoke.