Water Values Podcast

Water Values Podcast

Utility COVID-19 Response and Long-Term Impacts

April 06, 2020

Jim Williams, the sitting AWWA President, provides an illuminating interview on the utility response to COVID-19 and what the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic will be. Jim addresses the basics for how utilities have responded to the pandemic, and also dives into federal legislative efforts, financial fallout and much more in a great interview.

Reese Tisdale also comes on for another Bluefield on Tap to discuss the latest market developments in the water sector.

In this session, you’ll learn about:

The role of the President of AWWA and AWWA governance
How the COVID-19 has impacted utilities in the short term
How a pandemic utility response differs from a natural disaster response
Strategies employed by utilities to maintain a safe and healthy workforce and protect the public health
Utilities, vendors to utilities, and “essential services” under government stay at home orders
Delays in utility capital programs and projects
Federal legislation and m