Water Values Podcast

Water Values Podcast

TWDB Chairman Peter Lake Talks Texas Water

February 04, 2020

Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Chairman Peter Lake joins us to discuss water infrastructure financing in Texas and more. Chairman Lake provides a wide-ranging interview showcasing his knowledge on water infrastructure finance, risk and creditworthiness assessment, opportunities for private capital, water markets, and much, much more.

In this session, you’ll learn about:

Pete’s background and how a finance expert wound up on the TWDB
TWDB’s SWIFT Program (State Water Implementation Fund for Texas)
The TWDB’s regional planning process for water supply
Issues in marketing TWDB’s $1 billion bond portfolio to investors
Water & its relationship with economic development and the business community
Why institutional investors look for positive stories, needed services and creditworthiness when assessing an investment
TWDB’s programs assessing borrower creditworthiness and implementing post-loan compliance
The increasing role of climate risk and the importanc