The Turf Zone Podcast

The Turf Zone Podcast

Tennessee Turfgrass Association – Bermudagrasses, An Update

June 11, 2019

Bermudagrass, an aggressive sod-forming and warm-season turfgrass, most likely originated in Africa and south and southeastern Asia. It is believed that the species was introduced into the U. S. in the mid- 1700’s from seed in hay used as bedding on ships sailing from Africa to America. Some turf-type bermudagrasses in today’s marketplace are non-seed bearing hybrids of two Cynodon species, C. dactylon (Common) and C. transvaalensis (African), and must be vegetatively established. Others are improved varieties of ‘Common’ bermudagrass and are prolific seed producers often referred to as ‘seeded-types’. Plants spread by both above- and below-ground stems referred to as stolons and rhizomes, respectively.