The Simple Mission Podcast

The Simple Mission Podcast

69. Summertime – How are you spending it? {BONUS}

July 18, 2022

Hi there! We missed being on the podcast just chatting with y'all - we are doing a quick episode on our thoughts we have had this summer over "summertime" and spending time with God...

Sometimes, we can be so looking forward to summer, mostly to relax, to go on vacations and trips, and just to have the extra time. But how are we truly using and spending our summer time? What are our true priorities?

We hear this saying all the time, "I just want to grow closer to the Lord but I do not have the time," or "I can get to the Lord when all the things on my calendar have been completed this summer." For us, we went on vacation to Colorado and we realized that we can be comfortable in our own house to spend time with God but we kept leaving God in our house all packed up. But God is much bigger than that…

For the rest of summer, we share our struggles on being selfish with our time and not prioritizing God. We are now committed to making a change starting now for finish our summer strong. So, we want to challenge you to start growing closer to the Lord, even when it's really hot and it's that summertime feeling.

We will be officially back in mid-August with our podcast again. Sign up to Mission-Minded, our monthly email newsletter below for updates!

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