The Simple Mission Podcast

The Simple Mission Podcast

67. Spiritual Highs – Staying Consistent In Your Relationship With God

May 24, 2022

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Now, onto the the rest of the show notes on Spiritual Highs...

You know that feeling when you go with your youth group to youth camp or go on a mission trip? Do you also know the feeling of when you get home from the journey, reality sets in? Then, you go back to your old routine of doing things and that feeling will be lost in your memories of a time when you were on fire for the Lord. That is the definition of coming down from a spiritual high, which is what we will talk about in this episode.

We as Christians tend to feel the need to chase after being on fire for God, but really, we are chasing after a spiritual high.

The spiritual high almost feels like you are invincible, as if nothing can touch you in the environment you are in. But we forget that we are human and that we succumb to our own shortcomings and failings. That is why we need God’s help through His Holy Spirit. Sometimes, we put pastors, worship leaders, and speakers on a very high pedestal, as if they are the reason why you are on the spiritual high. But, really, they are only vessels of God, just like you and me. We cannot rely on the next church service, christian band concert, conference, or camp in order to get back in touch with God. He is already HERE.

We address the phenomenon of spiritual highs as Christians through the lens of the parable of the sower from Matthew 13. We are called not to just BE on fire for God but to STAY on fire. How is this accomplished? By staying consistent in our relationship with God every day.

We share 6 different ways to stay consistent in your walk with God and you will be able to maintain the spiritual state of being with the Lord instead of relying on the next spiritual high.

However, we understand that there are seasons in life where we do not feel close to God and you cannot hear His voice, the seasons where you are dry and in the desert, searching and wanting God. We share a big encouragement for anyone listening that is needing the push to keep pursuing their relationship with God in the middle of their desert.

Resources & Bible Verses Mentioned: 

Why Do Spiritual Highs Fade?

How to Make a Spiritual High Last a Lifetime,

Bible Verses: Matthew 13:18-23; Hebrews 13:8; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Colossians 3:23; Galatians 5:25; John 5:33

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