The Real Woman Podcast

The Real Woman Podcast

When You’re Working So Hard, And Still Don’t Feel Good Enough / TRW 5 Campfire Connection

July 09, 2019

There’s many things we care about as mums, and many balls we’re juggling.
So how do we deal with those moments when we feel like we’re failing?
Erin Furner shares as example from her own life, and the fear it brings up when feeling like we’re not meeting the expectations we put on ourselves.
As always, it comes back to Self, and so in this episode we explore the signs, how it feels, where it comes from, and how to give ourselves the clarity, compassion, and the break we need from the pressure to do it all. Also, it’s about learning to reprogram our childhood programming when it doesn’t serve us in the present.
We want to be a great role-model for our children, so we talk about how to embody something we also want our kids to learn.
Thank you Erin for your vulnerable share; As always, true stories from the heart connect and inspire to so many going through the same kind of experience.