The Real Dirt with Chip Baker

The Real Dirt with Chip Baker

Grower on Grower with Little Hill Cultivators Pt 2

November 05, 2019

This is a continuation of Grower on Grower with Chip and Jeff of Little Hill Cultivators. Full transcript is below.

Chip:Thank you for joining me again, here with The Real Dirt, with Chip Baker. On today's episode we have a Part 2, with Jeff from Little Hill Farms, in Trinity County, California. You can follow Jeff on Instagram and you can download this episode, and others, at iTunes, Spotify, and just right off our website,
Chip:In this episode, we continue our conversation with Jeff. If you didn't hear the first part, go back and get the first part first. You can listen to the second part and it totally makes sense. We just kind of babble and talk about weed. But, it's a really great, great episode. We talk about the economy, and the business of California and Oklahoma, maybe some predictions that we have. We talk about drip irrigation. This second part of El Jefe in Oklahoma, it's going to be great. So sit back, fire one up, and enjoy this episode of The Real Dirt.
Chip:We're back, Real Dirt had to take a small, little break there. You know, the dogs bark out on the cannabis field and you've got to go at least hear what they have to say. You've got several dogs out there huh?
Jeff:Yeah. I have one main dog, my main dog Sammy, a German Shepherd.
Chip:Sammy, don't fuck with Sammy.
Jeff:She's always on the lookout. German Shepherds are great watchdogs, because they want to watch, and they have a loud bark. When they're charging you barking, it's intimidating, even if they're the biggest sweetheart ever.
Chip:She's not though.
Jeff:She's a sweetheart to people. If you're on four legs though, she's not a sweetheart.
Chip:Don't tell the-
Jeff:Oh yeah, no, she's a killer.
Chip:Yeah, tell them she's a killer.
Jeff:Yeah, she's a killer.
Chip:She's a sweetheart to Jeff.
Jeff:But yeah, they post up in the window. If they're in the house, they're going to post up in the window and look outside.
Chip:Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Jeff:Wait for a squirrel or a burglar to run by.
Chip:So we were talking about Oregon, and the collapse of the Oregon market. I think it's similar to what's going on here with Oklahoma. So, let's keep chatting about that. Everybody moved into Oregon.
Jeff:Everybody moved to Oregon, got legalised-
Chip:California growers, growers from all over the country.
Jeff:Cheaper land-
Chip:Cheap land, beautiful place to be.
Jeff:Good, good, good climate in southern Oregon.
Chip:Good soil, great climate.
Jeff:Yeah. And, they blew it out when they legalised. People were counting on that crop to pay some bills, especially with the massive expansion. And it collapsed the market, the price was just about cut in half.
Chip:Man, I heard as little as $100 on trim pounds. And I also heard $190 trims, light depth pounds.
Jeff:Yeah. I never heard quite that low, but damn, that's ... You're losing money at that rate.
Chip:Actually, the people that were making these $190 pounds, they ... Large commercial nursery, one of the largest in the country. And, they had a $90 production rate a pound.
Chip:So to them they were like, "Ah fuck, we usually make 12%." Right?
Jeff:Well hey, that's capturing the economy of scale.
Chip:Yeah, that captures the economy of scale. But you know what? They actually have converted up, as so many Oregon growers converted.
Jeff:So, that's actually contributed as well, because of the pollen increase.
Chip:Well in many ways it's contributed, because many people quit growing-