The Q Filmcast

The Q Filmcast

Episode 64 : ALL IS LOST / Top 3 “Man vs. Nature” Movies

October 19, 2014

  ALL IS LOST   (2013)  Writer/Director J.C. Chandor’s tale of one man’s journey in defiance of doom is where we set sail this week. Nearly free of all dialogue and completely drawn around a character with no name (Redford), All is Lost puts us deep into a solo voyage in the Indian Ocean, where our man wakes to find his 39-foot yacht taking on water after a collision with a shipping container left floating on the high seas. With his navigation equipment and radio disabled, the man sails unknowingly into the path of a violent storm. Despite his success in patching the breached hull, his mariner’s intuition and a strength that belies his age, the man barely survives the tempest. Using only a sextant and nautical maps to chart his progress, he is forced to rely on ocean currents to carry him into a shipping lane in hopes of hailing a passing vessel. But with the sun unrelenting, sharks circling and his meager supplies dwindling, the ever-resourceful sailor soon finds himself staring his mortality in the face. All is Lost received high praise at the Cannes Film Festival and went on to receive several technical awards and nominations, including an Oscar nod for sound. We also discuss our Top 3 “Man vs Nature†films. All here.