The Practical CMO

The Practical CMO

Is It Time to Use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Marketing?

June 21, 2021

Like many emerging technologies, artificial intelligence (AI) is making its way into the market through a number of applications. Emerging technologies are often misunderstood and misapplied early in their adoption. Even when the technology itself is ready for commercial application, individual businesses need the maturity and readiness to effectively use these newer technologies.

In this program, we are going to focus on how AI is being used in Marketing applications today. We’ll focus on what works, what doesn’t, and layout some specifics around how you can use this technology to improve your B2C and B2B Marketing programs.

Today’s Participants:
Host: Mark Coronna, Partner & CMO, Chief Outsiders
Mark Coronna | LinkedIn

Guest: Christa Martin, Fractional CMO, Chief Outsiders
Christa Martin | LinkedIn

Related Resource
HostReview: How Modern Businesses Achieve Success With AI Chatbots (