The Practical CMO

The Practical CMO

Amazon: Friend or Foe?

March 23, 2021

With the pandemic impacts on many businesses, a shift to more digital marketing and digital engagement with customers is definitely a priority for many CEOs and Marketing execs. One bridge to be crossed is the shift, or addition, of ecommerce channels for products and service delivery. And the second bridge comes right after the decision to move online: should you consider Amazon a friend or a foe as part of your ecommerce strategy?
There are two parts to understanding an Amazon decision, the first an analysis of strategic fit and the second, if you decide to use Amazon’s reach and capabilities, is what form of a relationship to have with them.
Today’s Participants:Host: Mark Coronna, Partner & CMO, Chief Outsiders
Guest: William Fikhman, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Amazzia
William Fikhman |